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Currency; Confederate States of America, $5 Note, 1861, Richmond, T-34.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $50 Note, 1863, Richmond, T-57.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $50 Note, 1861, Richmond, T-6, Plate B.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $50 Note, 1861, Richmond, T-16.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $50 Note, 1861, Richmond, T-8.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $10 Note, 1864, Richmond, T-68.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $20 Note, 1861, Richmond, T-17.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $50 Note, 1861, Richmond, T-8.

Currency; Confederate States of America, Louisiana, $1, $2, $3, 1863, Mississippi Exchange Paper.

Flag Relic; Civil War, Confederate, Ironclad Tennessee, Fragment, plus CSA Currency.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $1000 Note, 1861, Montgomery Issue.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $500 Note, 1861, Montgomery Issue.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $100 Note, 1861, Montgomery Issue.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $10 Note, 1864, Hunter & Artillery.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $5 Notes (100), 1864, Memminger, VA Capitol.

Currency; Confederate States of America, $500 Note, 1864, Stonewall Jackson.

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