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Candy Container; Kewpie Doll at Barrel, Glass Coin Bank, Borfgeldt, 3 inch.

Candy Container; Military Drum, Milk Glass, Coin Bank.

Candy Container; Barney Google by Barrel, Glass, Coin Bank.

Glass Bank; Dog Lying at Entrance of Dog House, Metal Roof, Milk Glass, 3 inch.

Candy Container; Charlie Chaplin by Barrel, Glass Bank, Borfgeldt, 4 inch.

Sandwich Glass; Free-Blown, Bank, Colorless, Rooster Finial, 1833 & 1851 Half Dimes, 12 inch.

Free-Blown Glass; Money Box, Conical, Colorless, Rigaree & Raspberry Prunts, 6 inch.

Glass Bank; Moran (Vic), Bubble Money Meter, Snowman Snow Bank.

Glass Bank; Beehive, 1893 World's Fair, 3 inch.

Glass Bank; Moran (Vic), Bubble Money Meter, Stop Monkeying & Start Saving.

Glass Bank; Moran (Vic), Bubble Money Meter, Monark Bicycle Pedal Power.

Candy Container; Dog at Barrel, Glass Coin Bank, LE Smith, 3 inch.

Candy Container; Charlie Chaplin by Barrel, Glass Bank, Borfgeldt, 4 inch.

Glass Bank; Moran (Vic), Bubble Money Meter, A Little Doe.

Glass Bank; Moran (Vic), Bubble Money Meter, Pin Money.

Candy Container; Happy Fats on Drum, Glass Coin Bank, Borfgeldt, 4 inch.

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