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There are 23 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Railroad Station Clock; Behrens (Peter), for AEG, Copper & Enameled Metal, Hanging Circular Case, 14 inch.

Tower Clock; French, Cast Iron Frame, Brass Works, Pendulum & Weights, 47 inch.

Tower Clock; Howard (E), Single Dial, signed Pendulum, 15 inch.

Tower Clock; Seth Thomas, Cast Iron Y-Shaped Frames, 4 Face Dials, Weight-Powered, 55 inch.

Street Clock; Seth Thomas, Y Frame, 8 Day Time Only, Weight Powered, Cast Iron Pedestal, 55 inch.

Tower Clock; Continental, Medieval Style, Figures, Bronze, 21 inch.

Tower Clock; Howard (E), No 1 Tower, Green Paint, Stenciled, 43 inch.

Tower Clock; Howard (E), Roman Numeral & Wheel Patterns, Boxes.

Tower Clock; Howard (E), No 1, Time Only, 55 inch.

Tower Clock; Church-Form, Fretwork, 43 inch.

Street Clock; Two-Sided, Octagonal, Neon Lit, Cast Iron Base, 90 inch.

Tower Clock; Howard (E), No 1, Time Only, 4 Dial, 55 inch.

Tower Clock; Howard (E), No 3587, Pin Striping Paint, 16 inch.

Tower Clock; American?, Strap Iron, 27 inch.

Street Clock; English, Graham Style, Hanging, Single Fusee, 30 inch.

Street Clock; Two-Sided, Octagonal, Neon Lit, Cast Iron Base, 90 inch.

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