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Advertising Clock; Seth Thomas, Garrett Hardware, Remington Firearms & Victor Traps, Oak Case, 26 inch.

Advertising Clock; Jeweler, H Maurer, Diamonds & Watches, Wall, Square Frame, 18 inch.

Advertising Clock; Telechron, General Electric Refrigerator, 8 inch.

Advertising Clock; Ingraham (E), Vin Saint Lehon Tonic, Wall, Oak, Reverse Painted Panel, 36 inch.

Advertising Clock; Gem Cutlery Co, Gem Damaskeene Razor, Wood, Wall Mount, 27 inch.

Advertising Clock; Perzel (Jean), Ford Motor Co, Table Clock, Chromed Metal Gears, Enameled Glass Face, 10 inch.

Advertising Clock; Baird Clock Co, Diamond Black Leather Oil, 31 inch.

Advertising Clock; Gem Cutlery Co, Gem Damaskeene Razor, Wood, Wall Mount, Ugly Baby, 27 inch.

Advertising Clock; Waterbury, Jacob W Grubb Jeweler, Wall Clock, Inlaid Mahogany, Painted Tin Face, 27 inch.

Advertising Clock; Sessions?, White Owl Cigars, Regulator, Oak, Calendar Dial, 38 inch.

Advertising Clock; Coca-Cola, Round Wood Case, Paper Face, Delicious & Refreshing, 16 inch.

Advertising Clock; Telechron, General Electric Refrigerator, 9 inch.

Advertising Clock; Shaw Walker Office Furniture & Business Systems, Triangular, Wall, 22 inch.

Advertising Clock; Seth Thomas, Garfield Tea Fig Syrup, Schoolhouse Short Drop, plus Bottle, 27 inch.

Advertising Clock; Baird Clock Co, Finzer & Bros Tobacco, 30 inch.

Advertising Clock; Telechron, General Electric Refrigerator, 9 inch.

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