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There are 243 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Lehnware; Saffron Cup, Covered, Pomegranate, Salmon Ground, 5 inch.

Lehnware; Dresser Box, Poplar, Paint Decorated & Decoupage on Red Field, 10 inch.

Lehnware; Saffron Cup, Covered, Strawberry, Salmon Ground, 5 inch.

Lehnware; Sugar Bucket, Stave & Hoop, Salmon Paint, Vine Hoops, 9 inch.

Lehnware; Cup & Saucer (2 each), Floral Decor, Salmon Ground.

Lehnware; Sugar Bucket, Stave & Hoop, Salmon Paint, Watermelon Grained, Floral Leafy Bands, 10 inch.

Lehnware; Dresser Box, Paint & Decoupage, Floral Motif, Turned Feet, 13 inch.

Lehnware?; Box, Paint Decorated, Patriotic, Floral & Eagle & Landscapes, 15 inch.

Lehnware; Saffron Cup, Covered, Pomegranate, Terracotta Ground, inscribed 1886, 6 inch.

Lehnware; Box, Floral & Strawberries, Corner Portraits, Red Ground, Vine Border, 10 inch.

Lehnware; Saffron Cup (2), Pomegranate, Salmon Ground, 3 inch.

Lehnware; Egg Cup, Strawberry & Vines, Salmon Ground, 3 inch.

Lehnware; Saffron Jar, Covered, Pomegranates & Strawberry, Salmon Ground, 5 inch.

Lehnware; Egg Cup, Strawberry & Vines, Blue Ground, 3 inch.

Lehnware; Saffron Cup, Covered, Pomegranates & Strawberry, Salmon Ground, 6 inch.

Lehnware; Salt Cellar, Footed, Strawberry Decor, Blue Ground, 3 inch.

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