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There are 42 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Autograph Manuscript Signed; Markham (Edwin), Poem, plus Letter & Portrait.

Autograph Manuscript Signed; Riley (James Whitcomb), The Child Heart, plus Cigar Label & Portrait.

Memorandum Signed; Bonaparte (Napoleon), 1804, Manuscript Endorsement.

Manuscript Archive; Roosevelt (Eleanor), signed, Cards, Envelopes, Letter, plus.

Ledger; Wayne (Anthony), Account Book from Tannery Business, Includes 6 Signatures.

Science; Hoover (Herbert Clark), signed, Agricola, Georgius, Translation, 1950.

History; Doubleday (Abner), Campaigns of the Civil War, Chancellorsville & Gettysburg, 1882.

Autograph Manuscript; Monroe (James), 1795, Notes for France's Bill of Rights.

Manuscript; Whitman (Walt), signed, Report of Physical Condition.

Manuscript; Stowe (Harriet Beecher), Chapter 6 of Uncle Tom's Cabin, 2 Pages.

Autograph Manuscript Signed; Allen (Ethan), 1781, List of Polls & Estate of Town of Sunderland.

Autograph Manuscript Signed; Sobieski (Jolly), 1900, Memoirs of Life as Riverboat Pilot on Ohio & Mississippi, + Photographs.

Autograph Manuscript Signed; Smith (Samuel Francis), America Lyrics, 7 inch.

Autograph Manuscript Signed; Bates (Katharine Lee), Lyrics to America the Beautiful, 13 inch.

Autograph Manuscript; Ellington (Duke), Hand Written Score, Stormy Weather.

Autograph Manuscript; Ellington (Duke), Hand Written Score, Between the Devil & Deep Blue Sea.

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