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Jar Rack; Glass Canisters (15), Metal Rack on Wheels, 57 inch.

Pottery; Korean, Koryo Dynasty, Oil Bottle, Foliate Scrolls, Celadon, 3 inch.

Food Bottle; Rauschenberg (Robert), Hot Vindaloo Paste, Fabric Label, signed 1985, 6 inch.

Canning Jar; Mason's, Keystone in Circle, Patent Nov 30th 1858, Yellow Amber, Half Gallon.

Jar; Pitkin Glass Works?, Blown Glass, Cylindrical, Yellow Olive, 5 inch.

Food Jar; Blown Glass, Cylindrical, Citron, Wax Sealer Mouth, Quart.

Food Jar; Pickle, Cathedral, Blue Green, 8 inch.

Food Jar; Pickle, Skilton Foote, Bunker Hill, Lighthouse, Citron, 11 inch.

Food Jar; Pickle, Cathedral, Willington Glass Works, Bright Green, 14 inch.

Food Jar; Pickle, Cathedral, Green, 13 inch.

Food Jar; Pickle, Cathedral, Aquamarine, 14 inch.

Food Jar; Glass Cylinder, Petal Shoulders, Yellow Olive, Quart.

Food Jar; Gilbert's Air Tight Butter Jar, Clear Glass, Lid, Wire Holder, 7 inch.

Food Jar; Pickle, Statue of Liberty, Goofas Glass, 12 inch.

Food Jar; Don Carlos Brand Olives, Barrel, Clear, 11 inch.

Food Bottle; JV Sharp, Williamstown NJ, Aqua, 9 inch.

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