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Milk Bottle Crate; Carrier, Strap Metal, 12 Milk Bottles.

Milk Bottle; Witchwood Farm, Springhouse PA, Pyroglazed, Witch on Broom, Quart.

Milk Bottle; CE Grimes Dairy, Fredericksburg PA, Pyroglazed, Cream Top, Half Pint.

Milk Bottle; Cramer & Aument, McGovernville Dairy, Embossed, Quart.

Milk Bottle; Antietam Farm Dairy, Waynesboro PA, Pyroglazed, Golden Guernsey, Quart.

Milk Bottle; M Macnelli & Son, Powls Valley PA, TB Tested, Embossed, Neck Hobs, Quart.

Milk Bottle; JH Shetter, Campbelltown PA, Embossed, Pint, Cap Pick.

Milk Bottle; Clayton Duble, Wash & Return Daily, Embossed, Quart.

Milk Bottle; Cloverdale Farm Dairy, GK Fertic, Embossed, Quart.

Milk Bottle; CE Grimes, Fredericksburg PA, Pyroglazed, Baby Cream Top, Quart.

Milk Bottle; WH Wolf, Royalton Dairy, Embossed, Quart.

Milk Bottle; Mumper's Dairy, Elizabethtown PA, Pyroglazed, Dairy Image, Quart.

Milk Bottle; EE Plouse, Hummelstown PA, Wash & Return, Embossed, Pint.

Milk Bottle; Sylvan View Dairy, Lancaster PA, Pyroglazed, Sweet Tooth, Quart.

Milk Bottle; JM Shertzer Dairy, Millersville, Embossed, Fluted Neck, Quart.

Milk Bottle; Hosler, Harrisburg PA, Embossed, Pint.

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