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Redware; Bottle, Ring Form, Inscribed Chancy Flemits?, Yellow Slip, 9 inch.

Storage Bottle; Demijohn, Honey Amber, Mold Blown Glass, 11 inch.

Storage Jar (3); Blown Glass, Dome Lids, Cobalt Rings, Colorless.

Storage Bottle; Demijohn, Olive Green, 17 inch.

Storage Jar (2); Blown Glass, Canisters & Tin Lids, Colorless, 11 & 17 inch.

Storage Jar (2); Blown Glass, Canisters & Tin Lids, Colorless, 13 & 15 inch.

Storage Bottle; Demijohn, Bulbous, Olive Green, 24 inch.

Storage Bottle; Demijohn, Green, Blown Glass, 19 inch.

Storage Jar (3); Blown Glass, Canisters & Tin Lids, Colorless, 10 to 12 inch.

Storage Jar (6); Blown Glass, Canister, Clear, Tin Lid, Graduated.

Blown Glass; Bottle, Olive Green/Amber, Demi-John, 11 inch.

Blown Glass; Bottle, Olive, Squat, Long Neck, 8 inch.

Storage Jar (5); Blown Glass, Canisters, Tin Lids, 6 to 11 inch.

Stoneware; Steinmetz (A), Bottles (2), Cobalt X Decoration, 10 inch.

Storage Jar (2); Blown Glass, Canister, Tin Slip Lid, 7 & 9 inch.

Storage Jar (2); Blown Glass, Canister, Tin Slip Lid, 8 & 10 inch.

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