Religious; Hymn Book, Saur (Christoph), Neu Eingerichtetes Gesangbuch, + Fraktur Bookplate, 1762.
Bible; Rosslin (Christian Gottlieb), Das Neue Testament..., German, 1704.
Bible; Saur Edition, Gun-Wad Bible, + Family Record, 1776.
Religious; Siegvoick (Georg), Das von Jesu Christo..., 1768.
Bible; Saur (Christoph), Biblia, Das Ist..., + Family Record, 1763.
Bible; Saur (Christoph), Das Neue Testament..., 1761.
Religious; Schultz (Christopher), Kurze Fragen uber die Christliche Glaubenslehre..., 1784.
Religious; Adam (Georg Martin), Christliche Bibliothek..., Christian Library, 1768.
Religious; Hymn Book (2), Saur (Christoph), 1763 & 1770.
Bible; Leather Binding, Family Record, 1674.
Religious; The Book of Common Prayer, in Welsh, Hide Cover, 1749.
Book Press; Fruitwood, Threaded Posts, Ball Feet, plus Philadelphia Bible, 1828, 24 inch.
Religious; Newell (Mrs D), editor, The Family Circle & Parlor Annual, 1849.
Bible; Williams (SW), editor, Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible, Parallel Columns, 1894.
Religious; Taneyhill (RH), The Leatherwood God, 1906.
Religious; More (Hannah), The Works of Hannah More, 2 Volumes, 1830.