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Fore-Edge Painting; The Book of Common Prayer, London Across the Thames, Navy Moroccan Leather, 1792.

Fore-Edge Painting; Holy Bible & The Book of Common Prayer, Christ in Garden, Madonna & Child, c1875.

Fore-Edge Painting; Boswell's Life of Johnson, Boswell & Johnson in Coffeehouse, Globe Edition, 1906.

Fore-Edge Painting; Scott (Sir Walter), The Lady of the Lake, Woman in Boat, 1871.

Fore-Edge Painting; The Works of Virgil, Roman Colosseum, Moroccan Leather, 1810.

Fore-Edge Painting; The Book of Common Prayer, Westminster Palace from the Thames, Moroccan Leather, 1839.

Fore-Edge Painting; The Book of Common Prayer, St Paul's Cathedral, Red Moroccan Leather, 1810.

Fore-Edge Painting; The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Whaling Scene, Globe Edition, 1885.

Fore-Edge Painting; Coleridge (Hartley), Poems by Coleridge, All Souls College, Moroccan Leather, 1851.

Fore-Edge Painting; The Works of William Shakspeare, Shakespeare Writing & Hamlet Scene, 1869.

Fore-Edge Painting; Pollok (Robert), The Course of Time: A Poem, 1857.

Poetry; Scott (Walter), Rokeby, A Poem, Fore-Edge Painting of Great Bridge, 1813.

History; Stanley (Arthur P), Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, 1868.

Fore-Edge Painting; Holy Bible, Bucolic Scene with Cathedral, 1866.

Fore-Edge Painting; Drury (Henry), Arundines Cami, Caius College & Cambridge, 1860.

Fore-Edge Painting; Ferguson (James), The Rambler, Volume III, Bodiam Castle, 1823.

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