Fine Illustrations; King (Roy) & Davis (Burke), The World of Currier & Ives, 1968.
History; Stanley (Arthur Penrhyn), Historical Memorials of Canterbury.
Fine Illustrations; Fisher (Harrison), Bachelor Belles, 1st Edition, 1908.
History; McKenney (Thomas) & Hall (James), History of the Indian Tribes of North America, 3 Volumes, 1854 & 1855.
History; Miller (Francis Trevelyan), editor, The Photographic History of the Civil War, 10 Volumes, 1911.
Fine Illustrations; Duyckinck (Evert), Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men & Women..., 2 Volumes, 1873.
Fine Illustrations: Hutt (Henry), The Henry Hutt Picture Book, Color/Black & White Illustrations, 1908.
Sports; Fox Hunting, D'Avigdor (Elim Henry), Across Country, Color Plates, 1882.
Fine Illustrations; Fisher (Harrison), A Dream of Fair Women, Color Plates, 1907.
Children's; Saunders (Louise), The Knave of Hearts, Parrish Illustrations, + Parrish Letter, 1925.
Fine Illustrations; Horne (Charles F), editor, Great Men & Famous Women, 4 Volumes, 1894.
Natural History; Osgood (Frances), The Poetry of Flowers, 12 Hand-Colored Plates, 1841.
Biography; Schau (Michael), JC Leyendecker, 1st Edition, 1974.
Fine Illustrations; Underwood (Clarence F), Girls of Today, Color/Black & White Engravings, 1907.
Poetry; Combe (William), Doctor Syntax's Three Tours, 3 Volumes, Color Rowlandson Plates, 1869.
Children's; Legrand (Edy), Macao et Cosmage, 4 Pages Only, Framed, Pochoir Illustrations, 1919.