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There are 1576 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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History; Gulbrandsen (Dan), Edwin Curtis Visions of the First Americans, 2006.

History; Dilworth (WH), Das Leben und Heroische Thaten des Konigs von Preussen, 1761.

History; Hildreth (SP), Original Contributions to the American Pioneer, 1844.

History; Proud (Robert), The History of Pennsylvania in North America, 2 Volumes, 1797 & 1798.

History; McKenney (Thomas L) & Hall (James), History of the Indian Tribes of North America, 1 Vol, 1838.

History; Elliot (Frances), Old Court Life in France, 2 Volumes, 1893.

History; Parkman (Francis), Pioneers of France in the New World, 13 Volumes, 1910.

History; Froude (James Anthony), History of England..., 12 Volumes, 1874.

History; Roberts (Frederick Sleigh), The Rise of Wellington, 1895.

History; Withers (Alexander Scott), Chronicles of Border Warfare, 1895.

History; Stanley (Arthur Penrhyn), Historical Memorials of Canterbury.

History; Monstrelet (Enguerrand de), The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, 1810.

History; Kendall (George Wilkins) & Nebel (Carl), The War between the US & Mexico, 1st Edition, 1851.

History; McKenney (Thomas) & Hall (James), History of the Indian Tribes of North America, 3 Volumes, 1854 & 1855.

History; Historical Sketch Book & Guide to New Orleans, Folding Map, 1885.

History; Smollet (Tobias), Complete History of England, 2nd Edition, 16 Volumes, 1748.

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