Medical; Woodville (William), Medical Botany, 4 Volumes, 1790.
Natural History; Audubon (John James), Selected Birds & Selected Quadrupeds, 2 Volumes, 1977.
Natural History; Osgood (Frances), The Poetry of Flowers, 12 Hand-Colored Plates, 1841.
Natural History; Moore (NF), Ancient Mineralogy, 1859.
Natural History; Audubon (John J) & Bachman (John), The Quadrupeds of North America, Volume III, 1856.
Natural History; Gentry (Thomas), Nests & Eggs of Birds of the United States, 50 Color Plates, 1882.
Natural History; Albin (Eleazar), A Natural History of English Song-Birds, 23 Plates, 1779.
Fine Art; Warhol (Andy), signed, Vanishing Animals, Kurt Benirschke Text, 1986.
Fine Illustrations; Knorr (George Wolfgang), Les Delices des Yeux et de l'Esprit, 28 Plates, Unbound, 1764.
Natural History; Lewin (William), Birds of Great Britain With Their Eggs, 1st Edition, 3 Vol, 1790/91.
Natural History; Thornton (Robert John), Temple of Flora, Small Folio, Clamshell, 1812.
Natural History; Audubon (John James), The Birds of America, Some 1st Editions, 6 Volumes, 1840-43.
Natural History; Audubon (John James) & Bachman (John), The Quadrupeds of North America, 2 Volumes, 1854.
Natural History; Beebe (William), A Monograph of the Pheasants, 4 Volumes, Limited Edition, 1918-22.
Natural History; Prichard (James Cowles), The Natural History of Man, 2 Volumes, 1855.
Natural History; Green (Thomas), The Universal Herbal, 2 Volumes, 1st Edition, 1816-20.