Poetry; Thomson (DC) & Bateson (FW), editors, Oxford Poetry 1923, 1924.
Poetry; Combe (William), Doctor Syntax's Three Tours, 3 Volumes, Color Rowlandson Plates, 1869.
Poetry; Moore (Thomas), Thomas Moore's Poetical Works, 10 Volumes, 1840.
Poetry; Bridges (Robert), Eros & Psyche, 1894.
Plays/Poetry; Shakespeare (William), The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, 15 Volumes, 1851.
Poetry; Chaucer (Geoffrey), The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 1958.
Poetry; Various Authors, The Poets of Great Britain, Leather Binding, 106 Volumes, 1778-85.
Poetry; Arnold (Matthew), Poems by Matthew Arnold, 2 Volumes, 1881.
Plays; Shakespeare (William), The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies & Poems...Shakespeare, 18 Volumes, 1912.
Poetry; Browning (Robert), The Complete Works of Robert Browning, 6 Volumes, 1920.
Poetry; Riley (James Whitcomb), Neighborly Poems & Dialect Sketches, 1897.
Poetry; Browning (Robert), The Works Of Robert Browning, 6 Volumes, 1886.
Poetry; Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth), The Complete Poetical Works... 5 Volumes, 1902.
Poetry; Bianchi (Martha) & Hampson (Alfred), editors, Unpublished Poems of Emily Dickinson, 1936.
Poetry; Burns (Robert), The Complete Works, Limited Edition, Etchings, 6 Volumes, 1909.
Poetry; Anonymous Authors, Masque of Poets, 1st Edition, 1878.