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There are 224 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Blue-Green Marbled.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Willow Blue, Frosted.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Ivory Surprise.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Elizabeth, Lime Ice.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Slag, Elizabeth Delight.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Cobalt #1.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Bittersweet.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Clear Blue Darkfire.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Blue Jay.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Milk Glass, Light Blue.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, New Sapphire & Heatherbloom.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Elephant, Standing, Smokey Pine.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Opalescent, Lavender Blue.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Bloody Mary.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Caramel, Light.

Degenhart Glass; Figure, Owl, Blue-Green.

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