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There are 144 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Blackberry Wreath, Bowl, Green, 9 inch.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Hanging Cherries, Pitcher, Radium Green.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Peacock at Urn, Bowl, Ice Cream, Radium Purple, 9 inch.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Multi Fruits & Flowers/Scroll & Grape, Punch Set, Purple, 5 Pieces.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Perfection, Pitcher, Purple.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Nesting Swan, Rose Bowl, Marigold.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Roses Columns, Ruffled, Blue.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Hanging Cherries, Plate, Marigold, 8 inch.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Multi Fruits & Flowers, Punch Set, Green, 6 Pieces.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Perfection, Pitcher, Ruffled, Marigold.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Nesting Swan, Chop Plate, Green, 10 inch.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Roses Columns, Ruffled, Purple.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Isaac Benesch, Bowl, Purple, 6 inch.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival Sunflower, Pin Tray, Purple.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Hanging Cherries, Tumbler, Green.

Millersburg Glass; Carnival, Peacock at Urn, Bowl, Master Berry, Purple, 9 inch.

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