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Table Lamp; American, Caramel Slag Glass, Enamel Elements, Domical Shade, 18 inch.

Hanging Lamp; Leaded & Caramel Slag Glass, Grapes & Floral Border, 20 inch.

Floor Lamp; European, Floral, Slag Glass, White Metal Base, Conical Shade, 61 inch.

Table Lamp; European, Floral, Slag Glass, White Metal Base, Domical Shade, 23 inch.

Table Lamp; American, Petal Shaped Slag Glass Shade, Brass Base, 24 inch.

Table Lamp; Leaded, Slag Gass, Painated Metal, Conical Shade, 21 inch.

Table Lamp; Water Lily Pattern, Leaded, Slag Gass, Painated Metal, Domical Shade, 24 inch.

Table Lamp; American, Floral, Paneled, Caramel Slag Glass, White Metal, Domical Shade, 15 inch.

Table Lamp; American, Paneled, Slag Glass, White Metal, Conical Shade, 23 inch.

Table Lamp; Dragonfly, Slag Glass, White Metal, Bronze Color Base, Domical Shade, 30 inch.

Table Lamp; American, Arts & Crafts, Paneled, Caramel Slag Glass, Oak Panel & Wrought Iron Base, 23 inch.

Table Lamp; Tiffany, Meyda, Floral, Slag Glass, Helmet Shade, 29 inch.

Table Lamp; Chinese, Tiffany Style, Peacock Feather, Slag Glass, Scalloped Shade, Lily Pad Foot, 23 inch.

Table Lamp; Chinese, Tiffany Style, Floral, Slag Glass, Scalloped Shade with Pendants, Urn Base, 31 inch.

Table Lamp; American, Bradley & Hubbard, Paneled, Conical Shade, Slag Glass, Painted Metal, 18 inch.

Table Lamp; Europe, Nautilus Shell Shade, Patinated Brass, Green Slag, 23 inch.

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