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There are 479 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Bisque Doll; French, Fashion, Kid Leather Body, Blue Fixed Eyes, Closed Mouth, 16 inch.

Bisque Doll; Bru Jne Bebe # 2, Composition, Brown Fixed Eyes, Closed Mouth, Silk Dress by Jules Garfinckel & Co, 14 inch.

Simon & Halbig Doll; Handwerk (Heinrich), Bisque Head, Composition, Sleep Eyes, Open Mouth with Teeth, 39 inch.

Bisque Doll; French, Fashion, Kid Leather Body, Blue Paperweight Eyes, Closed Mouth, 14 inch.

Bisque Doll; Germany?, Kid Leather Body, Sleep Eyes, Closed Mouth, 22 inch.

Simon & Halbig Doll; Bergmann (CM), Child, Bisque Head, Composition, Brown Fixed Eyes, Close Mouth with Teeth, 22 inch.

Composition Doll; Jester Acrobat, Bisque Arms, Fabric Outfit, Chain, 13 inch.

Composition Doll; Football Player, Cloth Uniform, 9 inch.

Bisque Doll; Handwerck (Heinrich), Child, Sleep Eyes, Open Mouth with Teeth, 23 inch.

Peddler Doll; Composition, Male with Products, 22 inch.

Composition Doll; Painted, Cloth Body, Brown Eyes & Hair, Dress & Shoes, 11 inch.

Simon & Halbig Doll; Handwerk (Heinrich), Bisque Head, Composition, Sleep Eyes, Open Mouth with Teeth, 31 inch.

Skookum Doll (2); Composition, Man & Woman, Original Boxes, 11 inch.

Composition Doll; Bisque, Cloth Body, Painted Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair, 25 inch.

Composition Doll; Cloth Body, Inset Blue Glass Eyes, Closed Mouth, 27 inch.

Mechanical Doll; Heubach (Gustav), Walking Doll, Painted Eyes, Closed Mouth, Composition, 7 inch.

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