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Papier-Mache Doll; Greiner Type, Lady, Blue/Gray Painted Eyes, Black Molded Hair, Cloth Body, 21 inch.

Doll; Seminole, Cloth, Yarn Hair, Beaded Necklace, 17 inch.

Cloth Doll (2); African-American, Female, Painted Face, Printed Dress, 14 inch.

Cloth Doll; Oil on Canvas, Punch, Original Outfit, 21 inch.

Cloth Doll; Composition, Artisan Rag Doll, Painted Features, 23 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Boy (Series), Sport, Rower, Swivel Head, Almond Shaped Eyes, 17 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Dutch Girl, Glancing Eyes, Swivel Head, Basket of Vegetables, 17 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Girl, Swivel Head, Brown Glancing Eyes, Pouty Mouth, Blonde Curly Hair, 17 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Series 450, Child, Glancing Eyes, Swivel Head, Red Dress & Shoes, Box, 13 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Boy (Series), Fascist, Swivel Head, Painted Eyes, 10 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Series 111, Glancing Eyes, Swivel Head, Red Coat & Hat, 13 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Boy, Glancing Eyes, Swivel Head, Wooden Horn, Regional Costume, 11 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Girl, Swivel Head, Brown Glancing Eyes, Reddish Hair, 13 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Child, Glancing Eyes, Swivel Head, Ruffled Pleated Skirt, 15 inch.

Wood Doll; Lady, Cloth Body, Glass Inset Eyes, Original Outfit, 18 inch.

Cloth Doll; Lenci, Child, Glancing Eyes, Swivel Head, Shirley Temple Curls, 13 inch.

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