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There are 126 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Wax Doll; Blue Paperweight Eyes, Closed Mouth, Original Outfit, 16 inch.

Wax Doll; Leather Body, Sleep Eyes, Closed Mouth, Period Dress, 23 inch.

Automaton; European, Wax Baby in Sleigh Bed, Musical, 19 inch.

Christmas; French, Coques, Tree Topper, Poured Wax Figure, Bentwood Box, 9 inch.

Wax Doll; Child, Leather Body, Sleep Eyes, Closed Mouth, 23 inch.

Wax Doll; French, Creche, Infant Jesus Reclining in Ivory Dress, in Wood Box, 10 inch.

Papier-Mache & Wax Doll; German, Blonde Hair, White Dress, 27 inch.

Diorama; English, Wax Couple Seated in Floral Bower, Flanking Sheep, 24 inch.

Wax Doll; German?, over Composition?, Lady, Dark Glass Eyes, Closed Mouth, Molded Blonde Hair.

Wax Doll; Composition, Boy, Shoulder Head, Brown Glass Eyes, Closed Mouth, 16 inch.

Wax Doll; English, over Composition, Lady, Brown Glass Eyes, Closed Mouth, in Case with Taxidermied Birds, 39 inch.

Wax Doll; German, over Composition, Lady, Blue Glass Flirty Eyes, Open Mouth with Teeth, Squeaker, 12 inch.

Wax Doll; English, Peddler, Painted Features, Basket with Merchandise, 10 inch.

Wax Doll; German, over Composition, Baby, Brown Sleep Eyes, Closed Mouth, Taufling Body, + Child's Chair, 17 inch.

Wax Doll; German, Child?, Brown Set Eyes, Closed Mouth, 29

Wax Doll; German, over Papier-Mache, Lady, Dark Pupil-Less Glass Eyes, Closed Mouth, + Box, 18 inch.

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