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Paperweight; Silver, Modernist, Geometric Design, 4 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Coronet Bouquet & Spirits, Rectangular, 5 inch.

Art Glass; Peiser (Mark), Vase, (Paperweight), Japonesque Decoration, 6 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Orb, Flowers & Bluberries, Word Cane, 4 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Environmental, Morning Glories, 3 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Flowers & Root People, Mirrored Turntable, 8 inch.

Paperweight; George Ohr Pottery, Novelty, Cabin, 3 inch.

Art Glass; Peiser (Mark), Vase #307, (Paperweight), Waterfall & Trees, 4 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Cactus Flowers, Cube, 3 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Orb, Flowers & Walt Whitman Portrait, 4 inch.

Blown Glass Bottle; Paperweight, Millefiori, Red, White, Blue, Stopper, 6 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Flowers & Root People, Bee, & Word Canes, 1995, 3 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Flowers & Root People, Seeds, 1990, 5 inch.

Paperweight; Stankard (Paul), Botanical, Flowers & Root People, 1993, 3 inch.

Paperweight; Lalique Glass, Figure, Bison/Buffalo, Clear & Frosted, 5 inch.

Paperweight; Grueby Pottery, Scarab, Green Matte Glaze, 4 inch.

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