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Ticket; Lottery, New-London Meeting House, 1787.

Ticket (5); Lottery, Massachusetts State, 1790, Uncut Sheet.

Signed Ephemera; Hancock (John), Lottery Ticket, 1767.

Trunk; Gamblers, Leather, Brass Strap & Studs, Laced Interior, Lid Compartments.

Gambling; Gaming Table, French, Brass Inlaid, Mahogany.

Ticket; Lottery, Wyoming, 6th Extraordinary Drawing.

Ticket; Lottery, 1806, Harvard College.

Ticket; Lottery, Confederate, 1867, 'The Southern Orphan Association'.

Ticket; Lottery, University of Maryland, 1818, 9 inch.

Uncle Sam; Punch Board, World Wide Inc, Circa 1942, Uncle Sam Wants You!

Gambling Wheel; Wood, Open-Center, White/Red/Black, 25 inch.

Gambling Wheel; Wood, Open-Center, Yellow/Black/Red, 20 inch.

Broadside; Advertising, Gambling, The Sealed Book.

Broadside; Advertising, Gambling, Baby Doll Paddle Wheel.

Sign-Amusements; Mills Novelty Co, Slot Machine, 16 inch.

Ticket; Lottery, 1779.

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