Poster; Red Cross, WWI, US, Have You A Service Flag?, Smith (Jessie Willcox), 28 inch.
Shaker; Product Label (9), Cosmetic & Medicine Label, Black & Red Ink, Various Paper Colors, New Lebanon.
Shaker; Product Label (17), Herb Medicines, Black Ink, Various Paper Colors, New Lebanon.
Shaker; Product Label (38), Norwood's Tincture of Veratrum Viride, New Lebanon.
Shaker; Product Label (70), Herb Medicines, Black Ink, White Paper, New York.
Poster; Red Cross, WWI, US, Christmas Roll Call, Blashfield (EH), 28 inch.
Poster; Red Cross, WWI, 3rd Red Cross Roll Call, Nurse with Outstretched Arms, Coltin (Haskell), 30 inch.
Flag; American Red Cross, Russian Prisoner of War, 55 inch.
Poster; Red Cross, WWI, US, The Greatest Mother in The World, Foringer (Alonzo Earl), 28 inch.
Medical Invoice; Dingens Bros Wines & Liquors, Napoleon Bitters & Prepared Punches, 1854.
Poster; Red Cross, WWI, US, Have You Answered the Christmas Roll Call, Fisher (Harrison), 30 inch.
Advertising-Medical; Frank's Cough Syrup, Banner, Try Mentholated White Pine, 7 ft.
Advertising-Medical; Frank's Rheumatic Capsules, Banner, Record Breakers, 7 ft.
Medical; Surgeon's Plaque, US Navy, Brass & Lead, Mexican War Era, 3 inch.
Poster; Red Cross, WWI, US, Christmas Roll Call, Winter Scene, 29 inch.
Poster; Red Cross, WWI, US, Christmas Roll Call, Fisher (Harrison), 30 inch.