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There are 231 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Newspaper; Buffalo Courier, 1901, Shooting of William McKinley.

Newspaper; Philadelphia, 1777, Pennsylvania Ledger.

Newspaper; Philadelphia, 1863, Public Ledger-Extra, Battle of Gettysburg Reports.

Newspaper; Philadelphia, 1752, Pennsylvania Gazette.

Newspaper; Boston, 1808, Columbian Centinel.

Newspaper; Pennsylvania Gazette (2), 1776 & 1787.

Newspaper; Pennsylvania Packet (2), 1780 & 1789.

Newspaper; Boston, 1801, Columbian Centinel, Thomas Jefferson First Inaugural Address.

Newspaper; Connecticut Journal, 1789, Washington's First Inauguration & Address.

Newspaper; Rivington's New York Gazetteer, 1774, New York Tea Party.

Newspaper; The Word Carrier, Iapi Oaye, Sioux Indian Language, 1st Year, 12 Issues, 1871 to 1872.

Newspaper; Washington DC, 1831, National Intelligencer, Andrew Jackson State of the Union, Indian Removal Policy.

Newspaper; Connecticut Courant, 1765, Colonies Pre-Revolutionary War Activities, English Yom Kippur.

Newspaper; Tombstone, 1880, Tombstone Epitaph, Coverage of Virgil & Wyatt Earp.

Newspaper; Denver Times, Jesse James, Postmortem Portrait & Penitentiary Article, 1882.

Model; Zeppelin, Hindenburg, Composite, plus Newspapers (2), 65 inch.

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