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Cabinet Card Photograph; Kuhn (JM), Younger Family, Bob, Cole, Jim & Sister Henrietta, Stillwater Prison, 1889.

Uniform; Policeman, Cincinnati, 2 Piece, Jacket & Pants, Blue Wool, Fechhemer Buttons.

Law Enforcement; Reward Poster, Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping, Bill Serial Numbers, 1932, 27 inch.

Handcuffs; Froggatt, Darby Type, Wrought Iron, Key.

Cabinet Card Photograph; Isaac (GG), Occupational, Kansas Lawman.

Cabinet Card Photograph; Waltgenbach (Carl), Texas Rangers (2), Armed with Revolvers & Carbine.

Law Enforcement; Certificate, Sheriff Appointment, Ohio, Monroe County, 1905, plus Police Chief Badge.

Law Enforcement; Shackles, Wrought Iron, plus Keys.

Uniform; Prisoner, North Carolina Prison, Pants & Shirt, Brass NC Prison Buttons.

Telephone Call Box; Chicago Police, Cast Iron, Pedestal, 69 inch.

Document Signed; Keith (William), 1723, Sheriff Commission, John Taylor.

Leg Irons; Wrought Iron.

Club; Police, Truncheon, Turned & Painted, Crown WR, 15 inch.

History; Cockett & Conklin, New Orleans Police Department, 1900.

Shaving Mug; Occupational, Policeman.

Club; Police, Truncheon, Turned & Painted, Crown WR IV, 19 inch.

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