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Bayonet; Rock Island Arsenal, M1905, 1910, 20 inch.

Bayonet; General Cutlery, M1917, Scabbard.

Bayonet; General Cutlery, M1917, Scabbard.

Bayonet; Remington, M1917, Scabbard.

Bayonet; Split Socket, Blacksmith Made, 80 Caliber, 15 inch.

Bayonet; English, Socket, Artillery Carbine, 18 inch.

Bayonet; Ames, Model 1841, Mississippi Rifle, Brass Grip, Yatanghan Blade, 1861 Ricasso, Scabbard.

Bayonet; Winchester, Model 1866 Musket, Socket, 18 inch.

Bayonet; Hadley & Chapman, Brown Bess India Pattern Musket, Lovell Catch, Crown 19 Stamp, 22 inch.

Bayonet; Ames, Springfield Model 70, US Navy Rolling Block, Type II, USN GGS 1870 Stamp.

Bayonet; Oughton (Joseph), Brown Bess India Pattern, Socket, Oughton Crown 19 V Stamp, 22 inch.

Bayonet; English, Brown Bess, New Land Pattern, J Good? Stamp, 21 inch.

Bayonet; Remington Zouave, Saber, Model 1862, Scabbard.

Bayonet; Makin, Brown Bess 1839 Sea Service Pattern, Makin Crown 6 8 Stamp, 21 inch.

Bayonet; Split Socket, 80 Caliber, 14 inch.

Bayonet; US Model 1855-70, Scabbard.

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