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There are 368 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Uncle Sam; Mailbox Holder, Painted Pine Silhouette, 73 inch.

Postcard; Hold-to-Light (5), Architectural & Uncle Sam.

Postcard; Patriotic, Uncle Sam (22).

Postcard; Patriotic, Uncle Sam (13), Real Photo, plus Photograph (2).

Lead Sculpture; Uncle Sam, Standing Figure, 15 inch.

Whirligig; Uncle Sam, Riding Bicycle, US Flag, Propeller, Modern, 31 inch.

Uncle Sam; Figure, Wood Silhouette, Red White & Blue Paint, Movable Arms, 67 inch.

Uncle Sam; Figure, Wood Silhouette, Red White & Blue Paint, Movable Arms, 56 inch.

Folk Carving; Uncle Sam, Standing Figure, Carved & Painted Wood, 48 inch.

Folk Carving; Lynch (Anna Mann), Uncle Sam, Carved & Painted Wood, Right Wing, 26 inch.

Cast Iron Toy; Kenton, Phaeton Carriage, Foxy Grandpa & Uncle Sam Nodder, Sears Reissue, 17 inch.

Mechanical Bank; Shepard, Uncle Sam.

Folk Carving; Buckwalter (Ralph), Carved & Painted Wood, Holding Flag, signed, 15 inch.

Uncle Sam; Figure, Tin, Articulated Limbs, Painted, Shadow Box Frame, 15 inch.

Character Doll; Uncle Sam, Stuffed Cloth, Bean Bag Toss, 9 inch.

Folk Carving; Uncle Sam, Standing Figure, Carved & Painted Wood, 48 inch.

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