Saddlebags; Persian, Hooked Medallions on Red Field, 37 inch.
Saddlebags; Kilim, Flatwoven with Tassels, 49 inch.
Saddle Blanket; Turkish, Ensi?, Rows of Guls on Brown Field, Antique?, 53 inch.
Saddle Cover; Senneh, Solid Deep Blue Shaped Field, Added Fringe, Antique?, 41 inch.
Saddlebags; Shirvan?, Hooked Edge Diamonds on Blue Field, Antique?, 52 inch.
Saddle Cover; Khorason, Leaf & Vine Design on Midnight Blue Field, Antique, 38 inch.
Saddle Cover; Khorasan, Blossoming Shrub & Vine Design on Midnight Blue Field, Antique, 41 inch.
Panel; Yomud, Asmalyk, 7 Sides, Ashik Guls, Ashik Gul & Soldat Borders, Antique, 2 ft. by 4 ft.
Saddle Cover; Senneh, 2 Inscription Panels, Brick Red Field, Antique, 40 inch.
Saddlebags; Turkish, Kurdish, Yuncu Yuruk, Center Slit, Antique, 50 inch.
Saddlebags; Kurdish, Guls, Braided Fringe, Wax Seal, Antique, 33 inch.
Saddlebags; Shiraz, Lori Tribe, Kilim, Red & Blue Diamond Patterns, Antique, 2 ft. by 3 ft.
Saddle Cover; Syrian, Aleppo Region, Cermonial, Red & Gold with Floral Motifs, 3 ft.
Horse Cover; Central Asian, Pieced Cotton Ikat Cloth, Brocade Trim, Bead Fringe, Antique, 4 ft. by 5 ft.
Saddle Cover; Persian, Figures & Floral Designs on Dark Panel with Serrated Border, Antique, 3 ft.
Saddle Cover; Farahan, Navy Field, Sawtoogh Spandrels with Flowers, Antique, 3 ft.