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There are 155 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Hurricane Shade (2); Blown Glass, Baluster, Colorless, 24 & 25 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); Blown Glass, Etched Floral, Colorless, 22 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); Blown Glass, Baluster, Folded Foot Rim, Colorless, 23 & 26 inch.

Hurricane Shade (4); Blown Glass, Cylindrical, Colorless, 12 inch.

Candlestick (2); American, Blown Glass, Hurricane Shades, Etched, Stars & American Eagles, 8 & 15 inch.

Hurricane Shade; Blown Glass, Etched, Cut Fruit & Flower, 22 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); Eagle Decoration, Colorless, 16 inch.

Hurricane Shade; Blown Glass, Baluster, Etched Floral & Wheat Sheaf, Colorless, 24 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); Blown Glass, Baluster, Molded Foot Rim, Colorless, 18 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); Blown Glass, Eagle & Stars, Etched, Colorless, 16 inch.

Sconce (2); Hurricane Glass Shade, Etched Foliage, Brass Arm & Cap, 13 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); Blown Glass, Baluster, Colorless, 25 inch.

Hurricane Shade (5); American, Blown, Blenko Glass?, Folded Rims, Colorless, 14 & 18 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); American, Blown, Blenko Glass?, Folded Rims, Colorless, 18 inch.

Hurrican Shade (2); Cut Glass, Floral Decoration, Colorless, 23 inch.

Hurricane Shade (2); American, Blown Glass, Etched, Berries & Foliage, Stars, Banded Foot, Colorless, 24 & 25 inch.

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