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Bond; Ohio, Belmont County, 1867, Road Bond, $500.

Loan; Confederate, 1861, $100, $4 Coupons.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, Palmetto Exporting & Importing Co, Blockade Runner, 1863, 7 inch.

Bond; Spanish American War, Three Percent Loan of 1898, $20, 80 Coupons, 16 Uncut Rows, 22 inch.

Stock Certificate; Civil War, Confederate, Southern Cotton & Steamship Co, Blockade Runner, 1864, 8 inch.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, Atlantic Steam Packet Co, Blockade Runner, 1863, 8 inch.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, Consolidated Steamship Company of Charleston, Blockade Runner, 1864, 8 inch.

Stock Certificate; Civil War, Confederate, Sloop Governor Brown & Cargo, Blockade Runner, 1864, 8 inch.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, Importing & Exporting Company of South Carolina, Blockade Runner, 1864, 7 inch.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, Chicora Importing & Exporting Co, Blockade Runner, 1861, 8 inch.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, Consolidated Steamship Company of Charleston, Blockade Runner, 1863, 8 inch.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, Charleston Importing and Exporting Co, Blockade Runner, 9 inch.

Bond; Civil War, Confederate, 1864, $1000, Equestrian Vignette.

Bond; Confederate (3), Various Values, Framed.

Certificates (01); Bond, Steel, U.S. Steel Corporation, $100,000 to Andrew Carnegie, 1901.

Certificates (03); Brewing & Distilling, Philip Best (Pabst), Falstaff & Brewers' Malting Co, 1873 to 1965.

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