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Accouterment; Epaulettes, US, Presentation, Captain Murdock, Wayne Artillery Corps, 1856.

Accouterment; Epaulettes, US, Brass, Eagle Decoration, Gold Fringe, 7 inch.

Accouterment; Hat Buckle, 10K Gold, Eagle Crest, Liberty & Justice, Flags & Shield, 2 inch.

Accouterment; Gas Mask, Canvas Bag, Tin Canister, WWI.

Accouterment; Belt, Pattern 1832, Officers Dress, White Leather, US Gilt Buckle, Sword Hanger Chains, General Ekin.

Accouterment; Colonel Insignia, Epaulettes, Hat Cord & Sash, Indian Wars, Case, General Ekin.

Accouterment; Epaulete Case, English, Central London Rangers, Lt Col Probyn, Sheriff of London, plus Epaulettes.

Accessory; Holster & Belt, US Model 1872, Enlisted, Brass US Plate.

Accouterment; Cartridge Box, Model 1861, Decrow Maker Mark, 2 Interior Tins, 7 inch.

Accouterment; Cartridge Box, King (Josiah), King's 1870 Patent, 8 inch.

Accouterment; Artillery Fuse Pouch, Watertown Arsenal, Civil War, 1865.

Sword; US Navy, Officer, Shagreen Grip, Brass Guard, USN Engraved Blade, Belt Rig, 35 inch.

Accouterment; Baldric, Cartridge Box & Belt, Crown, Shield & Arrow Badge, Belgian.

Accouterment; Belt Plate, US, Brass, Mills Pattern, Indian Wars.

Cartridge Belt; Spanish American War, Canvas Web, 45 Caliber Cartridges.

Accouterment; Haversack, US Army, WWI, plus Bayonet, Binoculars & Trenching Tool.

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