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There are 190 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Silver Gelatin Photograph; Trindl (Gene), Louis Armstrong, signed 1957, 14 inch.

Silver Gelatin Photograph; Trindl (Gene), Sinatra, Crosby & Martin, signed 1963, 14 inch.

Postcard; Occupational (10), Bands & Musicians, Real Photo.

Beatles; Memorabilia, Books, Cards, Photographs, Pinbacks & Record.

Poster; Event, Concert, Fragson (H), Horloge, Champs-Elysees, Paris, Seated at Piano, Bataille, 55 inch.

Boudoir Card Photograph; Sitka Cornet Band, Exterior Group Portrait.

Concert Ticket; Woodstock Music & Art Fair, 1969, Unused.

Warhol, Andy; Sticker (7), 1967, Banana Stickers (The Velvet Underground & Nico), for Album Cover, 13 inch.

Poster (18); Event, 1977, The Clash, French Concert Tour, 23 inch.

Baton; Silver Plate & Wood, Drum Major, Lion on Ball Finial, Wrapped in Red & Green Cord, 55 inch.

Schachinger, Walther; Oil on Panel Painting, signed 1911, Portrait of Enrico Caruso.

Trade Sign; Official Elvis Presley Memorial Fund HQ, Painted, Guitar Form, 65 inch.

Baton; Conductor, Ebony, Inlaid Abalone Dots, 17 inch.

Baton; Conductor, Carved Bone Shaft, Silver Mounts, Engraved, 20 inch.

Folk Carving; Parade Baton, Turned & Painted, 42 inch.

Musician; Blind Tom, Handbill & Pamphlet, Illustrated, 1868.

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