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Bugle; US Regulation, Brass, Bohemia Stamp, 17 inch.

Horn; Trombone, Tin, 23 inch.

Saxophone; Selmer, Bundy II, Case.

Saxophone; CG Conn, Case.

Horn; Trumpet, Getzen, Deluxe, Case.

Harmonica; Hohner, Echo Harp, Box.

Bugle; Brass & Copper, Military Type, 12 inch.

Tuba; Silver Plate, Unmarked.

Saxophone; Selmer, Mark VII, Case.

Saxophone; Buffet Crampon, Evette, Box.

Saxophone; Selmer, Mark VI, Tenor, 1974, Case.

Saxophone; Selmer, Mark VI, Tenor, 1961, Case.

Horn; Civil War, Brass, Confederate, Morgans Raiders, 10 inch.

Horn; Trumpet, Harrelson (Jason), Satchmo Single Edition, Brass, 2011, Case.

Saxophone; Buescher, Alto, True Tone Model, Low Pitch, Gold Finish, circa 1930, Case.

Horn; Trumpet, Rampone & Cazzani, Side Action, Rotary Valve, circa 1920, Case & 2 Mouthpieces.

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