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There are 20 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Metal Sculpture; Friedeberg (Pedro), signed, Man on the Moon, 3 Gilt Elements, 7-25 inch.

Mobile; Flensted (Ole), 1972, Symphony in 3 Movements, 26 inch.

Metal Sculpture; Marin (Manuel), signed, Tabletop, Mobile, Geometric Shapes, 27 inch.

Steel Sculpture; Hiltey (Christopher), signed 2012, Moondance, Interactive Mobile, Welded & Polychrome, 9 feet.

Necklace; Rickey (George Warren), Kinetic Gold Necklace, On Stand, 10 inch.

Mobile; Guayasamin (Oswaldo), Brass & Copper, Geometric Devices, 30 inch.

Mobile; Calder (Alexander), signed 1973, Standing, Orange Quadrilateral, Metal & Rod, 57 inch.

Mobile; Calder (Alexander), monogrammed 1958, Standing, Red Painted Metal, 17 inch.

Mobile; Calder (Alexander), monogrammed 1959, Tunneled Base, Abstract, Metal & Wire, 8 inch.

Mobile; Calder (Alexander), monogrammed 1965, Hanging, Le Petit Tri Colore, 33 inch.

Mobile; Calder (Alexander), monogrammed 1963, Free Standing, Black & White Ailerons, 24 inch.

Metal Sculpture; Koons, (Jeff), 2003, Caterpillar Chains, Painted Aluminum & Steel, Hanging, 77 inch.

Mobile; Calder (Alexander), Metal & Wire, Free Standing, Gypsophila on Black Spike, 50 inch.

Mobile; Curtis Jere, signed, Enameled Metal, Cantelevered, 25 inch.

Mobile; Copper & Wirework, Painted, 13 Movable Branches, 32 inch.

Mobile; Calder (Alexander), (style of), Painted Steel Wire, Painted Cardboard Flags, 102 inch.

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