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There are 211 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Pewter; Billings (William), Porringer, Pierced Floral Handle, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer, Tab Handle, Pennsylvania, initialed MH, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer (2), Crown Handle, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer (3), Crown Handle, New England, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer (2), Pierced Scroll Handle, New England, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer, Tab Handle, Pennsylvania, 5 inch.

Pewter; Danforth (Samuel)?, Porringer, Dolphin Handle, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer (3), Heart & Crescent Handle, New England, 3 inch.

Pewter; Porringer (2), Crown Handle, 5 inch.

Pewter; Hamlin (Samuel Jr), Porringer, Flowered Handle, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer (2), Crown Handle, SG Mark, Boston, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer, Crown Handle, SG Mark, Boston, 5 inch.

Pewter; Hamlin (Samuel), Porringer, Flower Handle, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer, Crown Handle, SG Mark, Boston, 5 inch.

Pewter; Boardman (Thomas Danforth), Porringer, Crown Handle, 5 inch.

Pewter; Porringer, Crown Handle, IG Mark, New England, 5 inch.

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