Stereoscope; Tabletop, Ebonized Walnut & Rosewood, 15 inch.
Stereoview Photograph (0009); Underwood & Underwood, Boer War.
Arcade; Slide Viewer, House of Monsters, House Facade, 35mm Slides, 5 Cent Play, 26 inch.
Stereoscope; Perfecscope, Views (60), Domestic & Landscape.
Stereoscope; Mascher's Improved, 1/4 Plate, Folding Case Viewer, Daguerreotype (2), Female Portrait, 4 inch.
Stereoscope; Stereo-Graphoscope, Mahogany, Convex Lens, JB Mark, French?, 19 inch.
Slide; Magic Lantern, Mechanical, Sleeping Man Eating Mouse, Hand Crank.
Viewer; New York World's Fair, 75 Approved Movie Views, 1939, Box.
Stereoscope; Becker (Alexander), Tabletop, Rosewood, 1857 Patent Date, 19 inch.
Arcade; Sailor Telescope, Peep Show Viewer, 1 Cent.
Stereoscope; Underwood & Underwood, Aluminum & Wood, Views (300), plus Cabinet.
Stereoview Photograph (0015); Civil War, Tipton & Mumper, Antietam & Gettysburg Battlefields.
Stereoview Photograph (0100); Keystone, Boxed Set, American History, plus Telebinocular Viewer.
Stereoview Photograph (0003); Civil War, Anthony (E&HT), War For the Union, Battlefield Aftermath.
Stereoscope; French, Box Form, Handheld, plus Photographic Dry Plates.
Furniture: Table-Zograscope; English, Mahogany, Lift Top, Drawer, Turned Pedestal, Hipped Saber Legs, +Magnifier.