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There are 276 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Lasinio, Carlo; Mezzotint (10), circa 1790, Artist Portraits, from Raccolta di 324 Ritratti di Artisti Eccellenti, 12 inch.

Bowles, Carrington; Mezzotint, Paul Jones Shooting a Sailor Who Attempted to Strike His Colors in Engagement, 14 inch.

Gally (P&P); Reverse Glass Mezzotint, 1817, Prince Leopold Grieving at Grave of Princess Charlotte, 14 inch.

Earlom, Richard; Mezzotint, (after Lemuel Francis Abbott), 1798, Right Honorable Lord Nelson, 20 inch.

McPherson, Craig; Mezzotint, signed, Yankee Stadium at Night, 1983, 35 inch.

Spencer, R; Mezzotint (2), (after), Portrait of Race Horse, 19th Century, 14 inch.

Teniers, David the Younger; Mezzotint (2), (after), Waterfowl in Nature, Richard Houston Engraver, 14 inch.

Hogg, Arthur; Mezzotint (2), (after Robert John Thornton), Temple of Flora, Thomas Ross Pub, 19 inch.

Yozo Hamaguchi; Mezzotint, signed 1988, Cherries, 21 inch.

Thornton, Dr Robert John; Aquatint & Mezzotint (2), 1799, The Superb Lily, from Temple of Flora, 29 inch.

Mershimer, Frederick; Mezzotint, signed 1992, Hermes, 10 inch.

Yozo Hamaguchi; Mezzotint, signed, Grapes & Lemon, 14 inch.

Quaytman, Harvey; Aquatint & Mezzotint, signed 1988, Diamond, 34 inch.

Turner, Joseph Mallord William; Mezzotint, signed 1827, Stangate Creek on the River Medway, Cooke Pub, 17 inch.

Earlom, Richard; Mezzotint, (after Johan Joseph Zoffany), Colonel Mordaunt's Cock Match at Lucknow, 1786, 27 inch.

French School; Mezzotint, Apotheosis of Napoleon, 14 inch.

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