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Tool Chest; Pine Box, Slanted Hinged Lid, Iron Hardware, plus Molding Planes (8), 35 inch.

Plane; Maple, Folk Carved Bird Handle, initialed FP, 18 inch.

Plane; Bewley, Plow, Wedge Arm, Brass Mounts, Leeds, 10 inch.

Plane; Wood, Heart Opening, 4 inch.

Plane; Casey Kitchel?, Plow, Screw Arm, Ebony, Ivory Caps, Handle, 12 inch.

Plane; Blye (WH), Adjusting Chamfer, Wood, Steel Rod, 9 inch.

Plane; Carpenter (EW), Molding (2), Crown Cove & Gutter, 9 inch.

Plane; Barton (DR), Plow, Rosewood Handle, Brass Stop, 12 inch.

Plane; Greenfield Tool Co, Panel Raiser, Adjustable Fence, Depth Stop, 14 inch.

Plane; Howland & Co, Plow, Ebony Handle, Boxwood Parts, 12 inch.

Plane; Shiverick, Plow, Screw Arm, Rosewood, Cherry Arms & Screws, 9 inch.

Plane; Denison (J), Plow, Screw Arm, Wood, Brass Handle, 13 inch.

Plane; Sash Molding, Beech, Screw Arm, Tiger Maple Knobs, 10 inch.

Plane; Lamb & Brownell, Plow, Screw Arm, Rosewood, Boxwood Threads, Handle, 11 inch.

Plane; Spiers, Fore Jack, Rosewood Handle & Infill, Howarth Iron, Scotland, 13 inch.

Plane; Lindsey, Plow, Cherry Body, Boxwood Boxing, Brass Screw, 12 inch.

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