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Handbag-Purse; Barlow, Nantucket Basket, Woven, Top Plaque with Sailing Ships, 10 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Leiber (Judith), Clutch, Lion Top, Hinged Box, Crystals Eyes & Closure, 6 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Leiber (Judith), Evening, Floral, Black Rope Strap & Tassels, Accessories, 6 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Baumann (Kahtrine), Evening, Minaudiere, Sea Turtle, Green Crystals, Rope Chain Strap, 7 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Hermes, Kelly, Calf Leather, Black, Padlock & Key Fob, Gilt Metal, 11 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Silk, Embroidered, Cabochons, Ruby, Jade, Moonstone & Black Star Sapphire.

Handbag-Purse; Febres (George), Red Glove Pattern, Inscribed Noel, Shoulder Strap, signed, 44 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Silk, Celadon Jade Bangle Handles, Chinese Embroidery, Pheasant, Clouds & Waves, 14 inch.

Pouch; Crazy Quilt Pattern, Piecework with Embroidery, 8 inch.

Pouch-Wallet; Fabric, Printed Calico Panels with Felt, 17 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Tiffany, Evening, Petit Point, Medieval Figures, 14K Gold Trim, Inscription, Chain, 8 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Tiffany, Evening, Mesh Pouch, Seed Pearl Tassel, 14K Gold Trim, Strap, 7 inch.

Pouch; Beadwork, Flowers & Church.

Handbag-Purse; Victorian, 14K Gold Mesh, Miniature, Engraved GCE, 6 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Ferragamo (Salvatore), Gancini, Hardwood & Leather, Gold Tone, 13 inch.

Handbag-Purse; Leiber (Judith), Saks Fifth Avenue, Minaudiere, Silver Tone, Accessories.

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