Needlework; Canada, 1884, Feltwork, Starbursts & Squares, Michel Thevenot, 78 inch.
Embroidery; South Pacific, Patriotic, Crest & Eagle, 24 inch.
Needlework; Pennsylvania, 1838, Potted Floral Bouquet, Catharine Appel, 12 inch.
Embroidery; American?, Silk & Chenille, Basket of Flowers, 19 inch.
Jacket; Desbuissons & Hudelist, Lady's, Floral Embroidery, Beige.
Needlework; Woolie, English, Central Sailing Ship Surrounded by Flags, 23 inch.
Embroidery; Continental, 1725, Flowers & Urn, Silk & Metallic Threads, Initialed IS, 8 inch.
Sampler; Pennsylvania, Verse, Lydia Lippincott, 12 inch.
Needlework; English, Orpheus Playing a Lyre, Various Animals, 11 inch.
Needlework; New England, Mourning, Memory of George Washington, Mary Balch, 13 inch.
Embroidery; America, 1831, Crewelwork, Urn & Floral Bouquet, Sarah Thompson, 27 inch.
Embroidery; Caribbean?, Figures in Tropical Landscape, Silk on Silk, 13 inch.
Needlework; English, Pictorial, King Ahasuerus & Queen Esther, Silk on Linen, Glass Beads & Seed Pearls, 19 inch.
Embroidery; American, Cloth Panel of Boy Scouts Be Prepared, Painted, 23 inch.
Embroidery; Chinese, Dragon Panel, 22 inch.
Sampler; Central Bird, Various Stitches, Buttonholes, JS Goss, 6 inch.