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There are 983 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Weaving (2); Chimayo, Elongated Hexagonal Design on Red, 84 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Stepped Diamonds, Browns, Ivory, Red, 78 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Diamonds, Browns, Ivory, Red, 81 inch.

Weaving; Chimayo, Banded Stripe Design, 89 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Rows of Serrated Diamonds, Browns, Ivory, Red, 67 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, 4 Panels of Stepped Diamonds, Browns & Ivory, 71 inch.

Weaving; Southwestern Style, Elongated Hexagon Design, 69 inch.

Weaving; Native American, Colorful Serrated Stripe Design, Child's, 46 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, 5 Yei Figures, 45 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Germantown, Stepped Diamonds, 91 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Banded Design, 60 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Geometric Serrated Designs, 48 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Central Stepped Diamond, 53 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Pound Type, Serrated Designs, 80 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Modified Third Phase Design, 54 inch.

Weaving; Navajo, Geometric Design, 72 inch.

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